Dear All.

31 Dec 2021, 17:25
Dear All 2021 saw the massive growth of Divergence and set a remarkable beginning for our journey to build the decentralized market for volatility - a liquid and composable on-chain derivatives exchange for DeFi primitives. In the six months since we shared our vision, we have released two iterations of our upcoming DEX. Our beta version was first deployed on Ethereum Kovan and later on Arbitrum Rinkeby. Taking a look at the numbers, we've had: 1️⃣ $420m in cumulative notional volume recorded in the two-week mock trading battle of our beta on Arbitrum Rinkeby where close to 1500 traders participated. 2️⃣1,400+ unique wallet addresses registered and participated in our Ethereum Kovan beta testing. $2.4m notional volume was generated in less than a week. 3️⃣5700+ unique wallet addresses become $DIVER token holders since they were released at the end of September. 4️⃣3,000+ NFTs from our specially designed series with Project Galaxy have been distributed. We are grateful to everyone who shares in our vision and appreciate the strong support from a diverse community of everyday users and institutions. We’re dedicated to realizing the vision and will keep innovating and moving forward in the year to come. Sincerely, Divergence Team